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Primal Nutrition: Your Guide to Nourishment


When it comes to structuring a healthy and balanced diet, one cannot overlook the incredible benefits that red meat and organ meat bring to the table. While there has been some controversy surrounding their consumption in recent years, it's important to understand that these meats offer a plethora of vital nutrients that can greatly contribute to your health and vitality. We will explore why incorporating red meat and organs as the base of your diet is a wise choice.

Why Red Meat and Organs Reign Supreme

  1. Rich in Essential Nutrients: Red meat and organ meat are nutritional powerhouses, providing us with essential nutrients that are often lacking in modern diets. They are excellent sources of high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins (such as B12, B6, and A), minerals (including iron, zinc, and selenium), and healthy fats. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining healthy muscle function, boosting the immune system, supporting brain health, and promoting optimal organ function.

  2. Source of Unique Nutrients: Organ meats, such as liver, kidney, and heart, are particularly nutrient-dense. Liver, for instance, is a rich source of vitamin A, folate, choline, and various B vitamins. It also contains important minerals like copper and iron. These unique nutrients play crucial roles in supporting immune function, promoting healthy vision, aiding in detoxification, and maintaining healthy cells and tissues.

  3. Bioavailability of Nutrients: "Bioavailability" refers to the extent to which our bodies can absorb and utilize nutrients from the foods we consume. When it comes to red meat, the bioavailability of nutrients is remarkably high. The animal-based proteins found in meat are highly digestible, meaning they are broken down efficiently in the digestive system and readily absorbed into the bloodstream. Additionally, meat is an excellent source of heme iron, a form of iron that is more easily absorbed by the body compared to non-heme iron found in plant-based sources. This high bioavailability of nutrients makes red meat an invaluable dietary base for meeting our nutritional needs effectively.

Incorporating red meat and organ meat as a foundational component of a proper diet provides an array of essential nutrients and unique benefits. These meats offer high-quality proteins, important vitamins and minerals, and healthy fats that are exclusively found in bioavailable forms.

Ribeye steaks

What About Plant-Based Nutrients?

It's important to acknowledge that nutrients found in plants are poorly absorbed by the body. Here are a few reasons why plant nutrients may have lower bioavailability compared to those from animal sources:

  1. Anti-Nutrients: Plants contain compounds known as anti-nutrients, such as phytic acid, sulforaphane, oxalates, and tannins. These substances bind to minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium, forming complexes that hinder their absorption in the gut. So, even if a plant is rich in a particular nutrient, the presence of anti-nutrients will limit the body's ability to access and utilize it effectively.

  2. Nutrient Interactions: Some nutrients in plant foods can interact with each other, affecting their absorption. For example, the presence of dietary fiber reduces the absorption of certain minerals and vitamins. While fiber is touted as crucial for digestive health, it is an antinutrient that hinders the absorption of nutrients like iron, zinc, and calcium and promotes bloating, gas, intestinal discomfort.

A Word On Vegetables

When it comes to healthy eating, vegetables are often hailed as nutritional powerhouses. We are told that they are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and offer a wide range of health benefits. However, it's important to acknowledge that there are many dangers associated with consuming vegetables.

  1. Plant Defense Chemicals: Plants produce defense chemicals like alkaloids, tannins, and glycosides to protect themselves against pests and predators. While these compounds may have protective benefits for the plant, they can be toxic or cause adverse effects in humans when consumed in large amounts or in certain forms, potentially leading to digestive issues or allergic reactions.

  2. Sulforaphane: Sulforaphane is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Sulforaphane acts as a pro-oxidant, contributing to significant oxidative stress and cellular damage even is very small quantities. It has been touted as "anti-inflammatory" but this couldn't be further from the truth! Sulforaphane is highly inflammatory and your body works overtime to detox from it as fast as it can. This nasty compound contributes to thyroid disorders, kidney problems, cellular oxidation, and rampant inflammation.

  3. Fiber: One particular danger of fiber is its role as an antinutrient, which can hinder nutrient absorption and lead to adverse health outcomes. Fiber is nonessential and an antinutrient, excessive intake or an imbalance of certain types of fiber can lead to serious health outcomes. Fiber binds to minerals like calcium, zinc, and iron, preventing their absorption in the intestines. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies over time, compromising overall health. Moreover, consumption of fiber leads to bloating, gas, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Fiber is nonessential in your health journey!

Given their significant levels of plant defense chemicals, enzyme inhibitors, and anti-nutrients, it is advisable to greatly limit or eliminate the consumption of plant-based foods. While meat encompasses all the essential nutrients necessary for optimal health, certain vital nutrients crucial for well-being are absent in plants. Therefore, red meat serves as the foundation for achieving optimal health and should constitute a substantial portion of our dietary intake.

Kale and spinach on a cutting board

Are Nuts and Seeds Ancestrally Appropriate?

While nuts and seeds are often praised for their nutritional value, it's important to recognize that there can be potential dangers associated with their consumption. It's important to exercise moderation and limit their consumption in a proper diet. Here are a couple of compelling points to consider:

  1. Oxalate Content: Certain nuts and seeds, such as almonds, cashews, and sesame seeds, contain high levels of oxalates that contribute to the formation of kidney stones and can lead to greater health complications.

  2. Phytic Acid: Nuts and seeds also contain high levels of phytic acid, which bind to minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc, inhibiting their absorption in the body. This is of concern for individuals who rely heavily on nuts and seeds as a significant source of these essential minerals.

  3. Omega-6 Ratio: An imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids leads to inflammation and increases the risk of chronic diseases. Nuts and seeds are high in omega-6 fats and contribute to this imbalance which leads to negative health outcomes.

Nuts and seeds should be extremely limited in a proper human diet.

A wide variety of nuts and seeds

Is Fruit Ancestrally Appropriate?

As we explore the best dietary choices for optimal health, it's important to consider our ancestral roots and the foods our bodies have evolved to thrive on.

  1. Natural Availability: Throughout human history, fruit has been consumed when it was available in nature. Our ancestors relied on seasonal fruits as a part of their diet, providing a reliable source of nutrients, hydration, and energy. Consuming fruits aligns with our evolutionary adaptation to utilize the nourishment offered by nature.

  2. Satiety and Hydration: Fruits are not only delicious but also hydrating and satisfying. Their high water content helps to quench our thirst and maintain proper hydration. Additionally, the natural sugars found in fruits provides insulin signaling for proper electrolyte transportation while supporting healthy blood sugar levels and preventing energy crashes.

  3. Fruit is Low in Defense Chemicals: One of the advantages of consuming fruits is their relatively low content of defense chemicals compared to other plant-based foods. Fruits have evolved to attract animals for seed dispersal rather than repel them with strong defense chemicals. While some fruits do contain natural compounds like tannins or phenols, their concentrations are lower compared to other parts of the plant, such as leaves or stems. This makes fruits safer enjoyable for humans to consume. As a result, fruits are a safer and more pleasant option for individuals with sensitivities or allergies to plant defense chemicals, allowing them to still enjoy the health benefits fruits provide.

By embracing fruits as part of our diet, I believe we honor our ancestral roots and align with the nourishing foods our bodies have adapted to consume. Fruits provide some nutrients, hydration, and satiety while offering a delightful array of flavors. As we strive for a balanced and wholesome diet, incorporating a variety of fruits can contribute to our overall well-being and help us nourish our evolutionary heritage. So, let's celebrate the ancestral appropriateness of fruit and savor the bountiful benefits they offer.

A wide array of fruits

What Does a Proper Diet Consist Of?

From an evolutionary standpoint, our diet traditionally revolved around the consumption of fatty red meat as the primary source of calories. While seasonal fruits hold ancestral significance, they were not intended to dominate our daily intake. Striving for a well-balanced approach, aiming for a 50/30/20 ratio of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, can be a solid foundation for reclaiming and optimizing our health. By prioritizing quality sources of fats and proteins, including fatty red meat, while still incorporating appropriate levels of carbohydrates, we can align our dietary habits with our evolutionary heritage and unlock the benefits of a balanced and nourishing lifestyle.


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